Top Five Tennant Interviews?


5. he looked peak af in this interview with seth meyers

4. him on the

jonathan ross show talking about the stress boob & cock sock georgia bought him for christmas + ‘she’s maybe just trying to keep me off her, idk’ = legendary 


3. sleepy + cardigan + broadchurch talk + georgia t-shirt + insinuating ~things re: georgia’s opinions on beard vs stubble = 10/10 a+ absolute radio show


2. this extensive talk with richard ridge made my life approx 500x better; david’s self-deprecating humour and him shipping ian/patrick and sharing anecdotes i’d not heard before meant this interview almost claimed the top spot…


1. ….HOWEVER, nothing can beat this, the greatest interview of them all, where he learns what netflix and chill means and stumbles over his words where his wife is concerned. BEST.


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